Union Jack

My good friend Jack (from the UK) was traveling here in the U.S. and stopped in for a few days visit.

Jack in the basket, turn the crank and he pops up!

Jack was making the grand trip spending time in Pennsylvanian, Texas and Iowa. Seldom alone, his travel mate from England Bob (not to be confused with English Bob) stayed home and missed an excellent balloon ride.

Everyone gathered around, having flown and landed we pack it in and head for the pub.


Here I go again on my own

An’ I’ve made up my mind, I ain’t wasting no more time
Here I go again, here I go again
Like a drifter I was born to fly alone
Coming in for landing.
And here I go again on my own
Goin’ down the only road I’ve ever known
An’ I’ve made up my mind, I ain’t wasting no more time
Thanks Crew!

~ Susan

Goodbye to my Tennis Buds

Anybody who knows me knows that Tennis is my other passion. When I get a chance to do Tennis and Ballooning it’s magic.

Party @ the Hammond house and I brought the Big Party Balloon!
Weather would not permit a flight, but we had a great time tethering.
Miss Maggie assisting in the pre-flight checks.
Party treats for everyone, here is Maggie with deer antler.
Had a great time taking my tennis buds up in the balloon.

~ Susan

All By Myself

Good evening for Chris to do more “Solo” flying as he gets closer to his private pilot license.

We had a great place to launch from on the SE side of the city, we landed here last year and they had invited us back anytime. We’re Back!

so distant and obscure
Sticking the landing!
Don’t want to be, all by myself anymore.
Packing up.
Maggie doing her job.


~ Susan

Super Evening for Flying!

We launched from one of our favorite take off spots Valley View Baptist Church.

Miss Maggie on guard
Looking back as the crew gets packed up to chase.
View from above as we gently glide on soft breezes.
In the basket we have Lisa and Julie. It’s important to have the right amount of ballast.
Great shot of Buzzards Glory coming in for a landing.
Thanks Crew for another special night.

~ Susan

UP! UP! and Away!

What a great day for a balloon ride. The weather has finally let us out into the sunshine and gentle breezes, which means its time to fly!

We took off from Butterfield Park in Marion and thought I should take along some of my fabulous crew. But instead I took Ryan and Julie.

Ryan and Julie

Thing are not yet greening up, but should be taking off by next week.

It’s early in the balloon season and some of the crew get tired quickly.

Everybody “Ms Maggie” want in on the action of packing up the balloon.

We landed in the field just across from one of our favorite places to eat Edith Lucille’s as you can see in the background.

Thanks Crew! now let’s eat.

~ Susan

At the Balloon Factory today!

Mischievous Maggie and I were out and about today when we received photos from Lisa at the Lindstrand Balloons factory. She sent a couple of pictures of the new Cedar Rapids Bank & Trust balloon.

They were rigging the envelop and it needed to be partially inflated. Rigging is where they fasten in the parachute top, red line pulleys as well as the red line and load cables. The picture above is looking inside the balloon from the bottom.

Here is the outside of the balloon. It is really a big beautiful balloon that we are looking forward to flying over and around Cedar Rapids  SOON! darn weather.

Look for this and our other balloons.

~ Susan


Ride Scheduling
We have not been flying because of weather and in order to accommodate all those who have already scheduled we’re suspending taking any new reservations until we can get in the air and take care of the backlog. Once that happens we’ll open up bookings again so please check back with us periodically. Thank you ~ Susan Stamats