
Crewing FAQs

What is crewing? Let’s you find out about getting a hot air balloon ready to fly. Chasing the balloon from launch to landing and then packing up the balloon.

Getting ready to Launch!

Who can crew? Anyone can crew! It is helpful if you are breathing, but we don’t discriminant against zombies. Ballooning is great family fun, get off that couch and enjoy the outdoors.

How do I become a crew member? Just email and the Pilot (see Title 14 → Chapter I → Subchapter F → Part 91 → Subpart A → §91.3)

Really now if you have an interest in crewing just contact Susan at


Ride Scheduling
We have not been flying because of weather and in order to accommodate all those who have already scheduled we’re suspending taking any new reservations until we can get in the air and take care of the backlog. Once that happens we’ll open up bookings again so please check back with us periodically. Thank you ~ Susan Stamats